Why SEO Must Start With Strategy and Planning

Why SEO Must Start With Strategy and Planning

An SEO method is a precise strategy to boost a site’s ranking on search engines to attract more organic traffic.

The plan is based on several essential pillars, like the technical SEO strategies for content, SEO on the page linking, and user experience.

How can you develop an SEO strategy

 Understanding these basics is essential, whether you’re just starting or an SEO Sydney expert.

Set goals for SEO

Setting your objectives before launching a major SEO (SEO) project is crucial. Without clearly defined objectives, your SEO efforts aren’t going to yield tangible ROI.

It’s also crucial to connect SEO outcomes to higher-level metrics like revenue. Begin by determining your desired outcomes in marketing, and proceed to identify the goals of your process.

Defining target audiences

It would help to determine who you’re trying to reach and how they behave and search online. Once you have done that, you’ll be able to draw out conversion path funnels, routes, and ways to reach them and keep them engaged.

Alongside knowing the people you wish to reach, it’s important to determine how big the net is to be casting. Sometimes, the goals may be too large for SEO opportunities, and a certain target audience might be too lofty. Perhaps the competition is too high to yield significant outcomes.

Tools for keyword research, market and industry research, and other sources in your field can assist you in identifying and determining your target group, along with persona development.

Perform keyword research

Rankings for search engines are determined by an algorithm that analyses various elements to determine how websites respond to a specific search question. The most significant factor in this is the use of keywords.

From simple words to more complex phrases, keywords inform search engines of your website’s subject matter. However, adding keywords isn’t as easy as typing in your name and the title of the item or service you’d like to promote.

KPI definition

Goals and KPIs aren’t the same. You may have one KPI linked to a specific target, but you also analyze a range of variables that might be near or even far from an end goal for conversion.

Don’t get into your plan of action until you establish the key KPIs for your objectives and the target audience you want to reach and funnels.

Although average impressions and positions may not be as close as the ultimate objective of a lead’s submission or an e-commerce transaction, they are important for getting there.

It is essential to define each of the KPIs which are significant. Make sure to place emphasis and importance on the ones that are indicators or progress metrics as opposed to those that are directly linked to the ultimate objectives.

Perform a competitive analysis

The process is analyzing your competition to develop your SEO strategy. Examine the organic rankings, online reviews, blog strategy, and backlink profile. Also, look into their customer experience, Social media, and specific segments for their audience, USPs, and differentiators.

You could go to the next level by performing a technical SEO audit. Examine their website’s performance, the implementation of technical SEO, and page speed and mobile-friendly.

Search intent is among the most important factors in keyword search since it is the basis for Google’s search goal. That is, Google aims to provide users with the most relevant information in the shortest time.

Keywords can have a significant number of searches. But, it could be driven by user-driven intent, which is not aligned with your content, business items, or offerings. If that’s the scenario, the ranking will be almost impossible, and any traffic coming in will probably bounce around without ever converting.

Benchmarks and baselines

It utilizes your information about competitors, the audience, and the important KPIs for you. It’s crucial to know the current state of your business.

It’s the moment to record benchmarks of your performance as well as benchmarks to see how they perform against the rest of the market. We can also evaluate them against our final objectives and determine how far we’ll need to take.

Make sure you record benchmarks. These will be your base and will serve as your baseline from which you can assess your progress in meaningful intervals as you progress.

Report and set realistic expectations

Reporting is essential, and it is essential to measure and track the progress you’ve made accurately. Reporting lets you establish reliable, precise data that can be trusted.

It assists you in understanding the factors that influence your ranking and pinpointing areas in which you can improve. And not least, it is proof of the value of SEO for the company’s decision-makers.

Strategy development

At this point, you should be able to complete your initial analysis and planning work. A brief technical audit can aid you in understanding how much work is required to get the technical infrastructure in place before you begin planning the tasks.

It can also help you understand how great the effort will be in terms of code, IT, and website performance. While doing this, you’ll want to understand what effort and approach are needed for creating content.

Techniques for SEO

A keyword strategy alone will not help you rank on the SERPs, and your website should also be secure, well-designed, and indexed by search engines.

This might seem simple, but it’s the most difficult hurdle for big companies.

UX and SEO

When you use SEO, the primary goal is to get your website’s pages and contents in search results in Google SERPs.

These days, it is more than just optimizing your keywords; it also means you need to offer a better user experience. Why? Because Google’s primary goal is to provide the most relevant and useful results to searchers.


Nobody ever claimed that SEO was simple or at all who’s done it. However, it’s integral to any modern company’s business plan.

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