Best Free Background Generators

Best Free Background Generators

You always need a good background to build a website or compose a creative image in photo editing programs. Putting text on a blank white or any other mono-color background doesn’t seem a good idea, so choosing a perfect colorful background for your projects can be challenging.

This article will list some of the best free sources to generate your background with multiple pattern options, colors, and gradients.

1. Hero Patterns

From the creator of Hero Icons, a very popular free source of icons for web developers, Hero Patterns is another useful non-commercial project.

You can browse through the decent list of repeatable SVG background patterns and pick the one you see as the best fit for your project. You can choose foreground and background colors for each generated background, including their opacity.

2. Low Polygon Art

If you are a fan of low-poly graphics and want to use one as the background for your project, you should check out the Low Polygon Art website.

Low Polygon Art is a large free source of low-poly graphics and backgrounds that you may use for your next project at no cost. You can choose to generate a background with 100, 200, 300, 400, or 500 vertices, including the gradient color that you modify according to your project needs and color scheme.

3. Cool Backgrounds

Cool Backgrounds is a website that offers a set of useful tools for generating backgrounds, graphics, and images. You can easily generate:

  • Abstract colourful triangles
  • Simple particles
  • CSS colour blends and gradients
  • Smooth layered shapes
  • and even add images from Unsplash

4. Waterpipe.js

If you want to generate a background that seems like water waves or smoke, check out the Waterpipe.js app.

You can configure everything, from gradient start and end color, opacity, smoke size, background color, download size, and different smoke samples.

5. Plain Pattern

However, if you don’t want to use premade backgrounds with no option to choose or add your pattern SVG icons, the Plain Pattern app may suit you well.

First, navigate the website and choose the background dimensions (width and height). After that, you can choose the background color, and just b clicking on the “+” button, you will be given a list of some default SVG pattern icons, but you can upload your own and add them to the project.

Plain Patter, according to the information on the website, is still in development, so more features are still to come.

6. Subtle Patterns

If you need access to the list of modern backgrounds with patterns like flowers, bubbles, leaves, snowflakes, and more, then don’t miss to check out Subtle Patterns.

Subtle Patterns has a huge collection with over 500 backgrounds and different patterns. And yes, most importantly, all the backgrounds you choose are completely free, with no hidden costs. Due to the versatile collection of patterns, everybody can find something for themselves.

7. BGJar

BGJar is probably the most versatile free background generator among those on the list; if you wonder why it’s simply because there is a huge list of different pattern motives that you can choose with a comprehensive modification option.

It is the only free generator on the list that offers animated besides non-animated backgrounds. Additionally, you can download the backgrounds or embed them into your HTML/CSS code in one click.


There you go. We’ve given you a list of some best free background generators you can use for your next project.

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