How to post an article on a WordPress page

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Want to know how to post an article on a WordPress page? You are in the right place! In this guide you will find out how to view the articles of your blog, divided by "topic", in a specific page of your site. When you create a site, WordPress by default shows you the articles on the home page. The option you have available is… How to post an article on a WordPress page READ MORE

Want to know how to post an article on a WordPress page? You are in the right place ! In this guide, you will find out how to view the articles of your blog, divided by “topic”, in a specific page of your site.

When you create a site, WordPress by default shows you the articles on the home page. The option you have is to show them on a “blog” page, but all, regardless of the “topics” they refer to.

In short, showing the articles you want on a specific WordPress page is a less trivial operation than it seems, especially if you are inexperienced with WordPress. In this guide you will find instructions to proceed, step by step.

We will focus on two possibilities :

  • insert articles with categories
  • insert articles with a plugin

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How to post an article on a WordPress page using categories

WordPress categories

The contents of a WordPress site are divided into Pages and Articles . Articles are organized according to two taxonomies : categories and tags . The categories are the macro areas in which the contents are organized . For example, my blog has these categories: Email marketing, Hardware, SEO, Social media, Web Design and WordPress. Tags are words that summarize the contents of an article. Tags can be transversal to categories, i.e. the same tag can be associated with articles belonging to different categories.

Categories are very important for organizing blog posts on a specific WordPress page!

How to create a category

How do you create a category? It’s very simple, just go to Articles> Categories and use the right side of the screen to create a new one. The information requested of us are:

  • The name of the categories ;
  • The slug , or the “friendly” version of the URL of the name, typically written in lowercase letters with dashes separating the two words;
  • The parent category , if any, since the categories can be hierarchically organized;
  • The description of the category, which some themes allow you to view while others do not;

Once you have entered all this information, just click on the “Add new category” button, et voilà, the category is created.

The category creation screen with WordPress
The category creation screen

Add the category to the menu

Once the category is created, we need to make it visible. To do this, we need to add it to our site menu.

Let’s say you don’t have a menu yet: to create it , go to Appearance> Menu, and click on “create a new menu” at the top of the screen. Just give the menu a name (eg Main menu) and click on “Create menu”.

The menu creation screen
Here’s how to create your menu!

To make the menu visible on your site, click on the “Position management” tab and associate the newly created menu with the main position.

The screen for choosing the menu position
Map the menu to its position to make it visible!

At this point, on the “Edit Menu” screen (the first of the two Appearance> Menu tabs), make sure the desired menu is selected. On the left column you will find the item “Categories”. Click on it and then click on “Show all”, to make sure that the complete list of existing categories appears, and not simply the most used ones.

Select the category you created and click on “Add to menu”. After that, click on “Save menu”. In this way, in the main menu (or in any other menu you have selected) a section will appear that corresponds to the category you have created in which users will find the articles associated with that category.

The archive page of the category inserted in the WordPress menu
Here is the archive page of the category included in the menu!

Associate an article with a category

The last step is missing: associate a WordPress post to a category. It is very simple. Go to Articles> Add new, write the article you want, then, on the right column click on “Categories” and select the category you just created. Then publish the article.

The screen for associating an article to a category
Select the category of your article from the side menu!

This way the article will be visible on the archive page you created earlier, and so will all other articles associated with that category.

Simple, isn’t it?

Show articles with a plugin

List Category Post

List Category Post

The “List Category Post” plugin allows you to show posts of a certain category using the [catlist] shortcode. Its use is very simple: just insert the shortcode in the point of the page where you have decided to show the articles.

The basic use involves adding the category id to the shortcode. In this way:

[catlist id = 1]

The category id is that number that you find in your browser’s address bar when you go to Articles> Categories.

The category ID in WordPress
The category ID is the highlighted number

Alternatively, you can enter the category name in the shortcode, like this:

[catlist name = “news”]

Through the plugin options you can choose how many posts to view, whether to sort them by date, title, author, ID etc. ascending or descending.

Alternatively, you can enter these parameters directly into the shortcode, like so:

[ID catlist = 1 numberposts = 10]


Wp Bakery Page Builder


If you are using a “premium” WordPress theme, the pages are most likely built with a theme builder . The theme builders are nothing more than very powerful plugins that allow you to structure the pages to your liking, inserting elements such as rows, columns, text fields, images and other more complex things without working on the php code.

Wp Bakery Page Builder is one of the most popular theme builders. Among the elements it offers there are some that allow you to view the articles within a page:

  • Post slider
  • Post grid
  • Post masonry grid
  • The recent articles widget

The options will allow you, among other things, to show only a few posts of your choice, which is essential to highlight the content that represents you the most (just like I did on the home page of this site!)


Gutenberg Blocks – Ultimate Addons for Gutenberg

Ultimate Addons for Gutemberg

If your theme uses Gutenberg, the latest editor block Gutenberg, you should install the plugin Gutenberg Blocks – Ultimate Addons for Gutenberg, which has some blocks useful to view the articles.

  • Post Grid
  • Post Masonry
  • Post Carousel
  • Post Timeline

The options available are many. You can choose to display articles of a certain category or tag, how many articles to show, whether to display the image, metadata, a preview of the text, etc.

In short, “Gutenberg Blocks” is certainly a very powerful and versatile plugin!

For those who are using Elementor, we suggest checking out the best post addon for Elementor that will help you handle writing new articles.

Well, we’re saying goodbye! If you liked the article, have criticisms or doubts, leave a comment.

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