What and How to Use Akismet Plugin?

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What and How to Use Akismet Plugin ?. When we have a blog site or website and allow users to comment, we will not be able to avoid spam, and spam will be very annoying and can even make your site worse. When it comes to spam on a WordPress site it becomes harder and harder to catch which comments are real […]

What and How to Use Akismet Plugin? . When we have a blog site or website and allow users to comment, we will not be able to avoid spam, and spam will be very annoying and can even make your site worse. When it comes to spam on a WordPress site it becomes more and more difficult and difficult to catch real and fake comments.

However, you don’t need to worry about spam. Because there are many ways you can prevent Spam or block spam with anti spam plugins that you can find in the WordPress library.

One of the best plugins for blocking Spam is the Akismet plugin for WordPress.

Read: Block WordPress Comment Spam with CAPTCHAs

What is Akismet?

akismet anti spam wordpress plugin

Akismet Plugin is a comment spam blocking service that can be used for WordPress as well as Drupal and Joomla.

Akismet is a comment spam filtering service. The name Akismet comes from Automattic and Kismet. Auttomatic is the company behind Akismet, and was founded by WordPress Founder Matt Mullenweg. Akismet captures blog comments and spam pingbacks using their algorithm. The algorithm learns from mistakes and from actions taken by participating websites. For example, when a number of websites start reporting content viewing as spam, Akismet will learn to identify this type of content as SPAM in the future. In 2014 Akismet has caught more than 110 Billion spam comments.

Akismet is a useful tool because it is able to ward off about 99% of the spam in circulation that could potentially attack your site.

Read: 6 Best Free WordPress Captcha Anti Spam Plugins

Why should you use Akismet?

On popular sites, the number of spam comments can be as high as 85%. This means that out of every 100 comments only 15 are considered valid. Comment moderation is a time-consuming task, and Akismet can save you hours. Akismet will catch spam comments before they land in your moderation queue as pending comments. This allows you to focus your energies on moderating comments by real users.

How to Install and Activate Akismet Plugin

When you install WordPress for the first time, you will definitely find two plugins that have been brought by WordPress, one of which is the Akismet plugin. You only need to activate the plugin. However, if you don’t find the Akismet plugin installed on your WordPress site, please install the plugin by clicking “Add New” and typing Akismet in the search form.

Once Akismet is installed, click Active. Next, you will see a notification asking you to enter an API Key, without this API Key the Akismet plugin cannot work, therefore you must first get the API Key.

Read: WP Cerber Security – Security and Spam Resistant Plugin For WordPress

How to Get Akismet API Key

To get this API Key is quite easy and there are two ways. First, if you use the Jetpack plugin on your WordPress site, then after you click activate the Akismet plugin, an option will appear asking if you want to activate Akismet via Jetpack using an email address connected to Jetpack?

If you want to use the email address associated with your Jetpack account, just click ‘Use this email Address’ and your API Key will be automatically added to the API Key entry field and you will get Akismet setup with Akismet Personal Free Account.

For the second way, if you are not using Jetpack on your WordPress site, then you have to register on the official Akismet site to get an API Key. To do so you click the green button that appears on Akismet notifications when your plugin is activated. Click the “Activate your Akismet Account” button.

akismet anti spam plugin

Then you will be taken to the API Key filling page, there will be a button that says “‘Get your API Key” and please click on that button.

akismet api key wordpress

You need a WordPress.com account to use Akismet, if you already have one, please click “Sign In” on the top right corner.

If you don’t have a WordPress.com account setup yet, just click the “Say Goodbye To Comment SPAM” button and you will be taken to the pricing page. Please choose the free “Get Basic” package and you need to create a WordPress account first. Fill in the required registration form and then click ‘Sign Up’ to continue.

register akismet account

After you register and get a new email in your inbox, please verify your account. And now please go to your akismet account. Upon successful login to your Akismet account, you will see a pop up showing the price package for using Akismet. Please select “Basic” and the price bar is automatically set at $ 48. To make it free, slide it to the left until the price is $ 0.

plan price akismet account

Then you can add your site by clicking “Add Site” and instructions will appear as well as your Akismet API Key. Or you can check your email again and the API Key will automatically be sent to your email address.

akismet account overview

You can add multiple sites at once with the same API Key. After you get the API Key, please enter the Akismet plugin settings to enter the API Key and validate the API key.

You need to know that it is true that Akismet is a premium plugin, but you can use Akismet for free. Of course, to get maximum results in eradicating SPAM, you should use paid Akismet. Licenses are quite cheap with prices starting at just $ 5 per month.

Read: CleanTalk – A Powerful Plugin to Prevent FireWall Cloud-Based SPAM

And that’s how to use the Akismet anti spam plugin and how to get Akismet API Key. Please follow the guidelines above so that your WordPress site is free from spam. By using this plugin, you no longer need to use plugins like Captcha. Hopefully this article is useful and safe free from spam. 🙂

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