The Right Way to Use H1 – H6 SEO Heading Tags

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The Right Way to Use H1 – H6 SEO Heading Tags – As we know in the writing format on a website or blog there are heading tags (H1 to H6), these heading tags are important to use in any web document for content structure. By using Heading Tags, we can distinguish content from page content as a marker of a title, sub […]

The Right Way to Use H1 – H6 SEO Heading Tags – As we know in the writing format on a website or blog there are heading tags (H1 to H6), these heading tags are important to use in every web document for content structure. By using Heading Tags, we can distinguish content from page content as markers of a title, sub-title or important point of the article.

seo heading tags

You must use heading tags in content because this has an impact on SEO, so you shouldn’t just use Bold text only. Basically, heading tags do not have great value for SEO, but heading tags are used by Google to understand the main topic of the post content. That means Google scans your posts too.

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What are Heading Tags (H1-H6)?

Tag headings are well defined by W3Schools that:



used to define Posts in web documents.

“According to W3Schools – the

used for the first title which has the most important value for any web document and the

used for the least important title or holds very little value in web documents. compared to other heading tags. “

Here are some Heading Tags:

  • beberapa teks di sini

  • beberapa teks di sini

  • beberapa teks di sini

  • beberapa teks di sini

  • beberapa teks di sini
  • beberapa teks di sini

H1 tags should be used for the main title and if there are other titles then followed by H2, H3 tags and so on. H1 tags usually have the largest font size than the font size of H2, H3 and others tags and H6 tags have the smallest font size.

Heading Tags come with various attributes to make your website more user-friendly but Search Engines use these tags solely to define the index structure and content of web documents including your blog posts. In other words, you can say that the heading Tag is used to show the structure of your web document.

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How to use Heading Tags for SEO?

Regardless of the web design point of view, there are a few things you should know about heading tags to make it easier for users to read your content, and also to make it easier for search engines to see how your content is organized.

Purpose of using Heading Tags

The main purpose of using Heading Tags is to categorize your content with different headings so that your content becomes more user-friendly and people will get the main idea of the content on your website easier by just reading the Sub-headings.

Now that we know that H1 tag is the most important tag so whenever you are going to use H1 tag for your webpage, use this H1 tag in the main title and create this main title in a way that describes everything about the content of your web content.


The hierarchy on your web page should look like this:

tags are used in the main title followed by


followed by


followed by


followed by


followed by

. For better SEO of your web pages, you must follow the hierarchy in this way.

Heading Tags and Keywords

Keywords are the most important which is always a priority for every SEO expert. In this case, we first carry out keyword research that best fits the web page and then categorizes these keywords into focus keywords, primary keywords, secondary keywords and tertiary keywords. Keyword focus is always number one for web pages. So enter the focus of these keywords in the Title, Meta tags, and h1 tags of the web page.

Frequency of Using Heading Tags, especially h1 tags

It is highly recommended for anyone to use h1 tags per web page because h1 tags should be like newspaper headings and other content should be structured with subheadings following the hierarchy of the tag posts. Using subheadings depends on how your content is structured.

H1 Tag Rules In Latest HTML5

In the previous version of HTML, only one H1 tag was allowed for designers to use per web page and what most people did at that time was just to use the H1 tag to wrap the web logo and start the main title of the web page with the H2 tag. But with the help of an updated version of HTML, namely HTML5, we can have several h1 tags on web pages according to the requirements of the web design page as I have mentioned in the hierarchy point above.

Read: 10 Tips for Visitors to Read Your Blog Content

Above is a guide on using proper heading tags for the content structure of your webpages. Heading tags are very important and should be properly placed on the page for the SEO of your blog posts. One common mistake made by beginner bloggers is the overuse of H2 or H3 tags & sometimes only using H3 tags and skipping H2 tags in the content structure. I hope this article is useful. 🙂

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