10 Reasons Why Your Blog Is Lacking Visitors

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When you've started a blog up and running for a few months but it's still low on visitors, this is certainly the case for many blog owners. Even you feel like you did everything right, however, you never get 1,000 unique visitors per month and only some of your posts get search traffic. If any of your posts don't […]

When you’ve started a blog up and running for a few months but it’s still low on visitors, this is certainly the case for many blog owners. Even you feel like you did everything right, however, you never get 1,000 unique visitors per month and only some of your posts get search traffic.

If each of your posts isn’t getting a few hundred to several thousand search visits per month, then you’re doing something wrong.

Here are ten reasons why you’re not getting as much search engine traffic as you deserve and your blog is still low on visitors.

10 Reasons Why Your Blog Is Lacking Visitors

Blogs are empty of visitors from search engine traffic or from other traffic sources, it makes us as blog owners feel irritated, this is because our hard work seems to be fruitless.

mendatangkan trafik blog sepi pengunjung

Just to bring in thousands of traffic per month is still not possible, let alone to make money from our website. Be sure to check out some of the reasons below which might be the cause of the blog’s lack of visitors.

1. Your Site Is Not Indexed

If your site is not indexed, they cannot send you any traffic. So how do you get indexed?

Google (and other search engines) will actually index your site automatically, but here are some steps to speed up the indexing process on Google:

This may work slower for new websites, but as your site becomes more popular, the Google spiders will visit more often and index your content faster.

2. You Don’t Write The Articles People Are Looking For

The first step in writing a blog post is figuring out what people want to know. Ignoring this step is like starting a business without researching what people want to buy.

If you want to bring in traffic from search engines, you need to do keyword research. I’ve covered this many times in previous articles, but correct yourself again, how often do you actually do keyword research?

Always make sure to create content around keywords that people are really looking for. To help you know which keywords people are searching for, you can use Ubersuggest, Ahrefs or SEMrush.

3. You Don’t Create Keyword-Focused Articles

Continuing with point number two, once you know exactly which keywords people are using or searching for, you need to create specific content for those keywords.

During your keyword research, create a list of keywords that are relevant to your audience and that are searched for more than 500 times per month. Then write one blog post for each keyword.

Creating articles that focus on your main keywords, will make your blog crowded with visitors and become king in that niche.

Read: Complete Guide – Keyword Research for SEO

4. You Are Not Putting Keywords in Your Headlines

Your article title is the most important part of your post to get search traffic.

When you search for something on Google, the keyword you are looking for is always in the headline, usually in its entirety and near the front of the headline.

So, if you want to rank in search engines for a particular keyword, it must be in your main title and in the main paragraph. Also make sure the URL and description contain keywords. While in the content there are at least a few keywords.

If you use an SEO plugin such as Yoast or AIOSEO, there will be a keyword measurement indicator feature so that you don’t overdo it and don’t lack in including keywords in the overall content.

5. Your article is underweight

Remember, the job of the Google search engine is to provide relevant and high-quality search results. Ideally, the best and most comprehensive web page for each keyword will always occupy the top position.

For example, if you write a 100 word post about “how to get search engine traffic” while someone else writes a 3,000 word post covering every nook and cranny of the topic with authority, Google will find a way to put the post with 3,000 words at the top and put your own. you at the bottom.

Your goal with each blog post is to create a primary resource for a specific keyword. 1,000 words per blog post is the ideal size for one good article.

Read: 10 Tips for Creating Perfect Blog Content or Articles

6. You Don’t Share Articles on Social Media

A study by Branded3 confirms that Google search results are based at least on the number of Tweets and social media likes.

In the study, they found a direct correlation between the number of tweets and Facebook likes and search result rankings. URLs that have a lot of signals from social media, on average, rank 5th for their keywords.

So, make sure to share your posts on social media. If people see and like it, they can share your blog post, and that will generate good signals in search results from social media.

One way to create primary resources for certain keywords is to link to other resources in your blog posts, either externally or internally.

This provides benefits such as:

  • Make your blog posts more valuable.
  • Make other content on the subject easier for Google to find.
  • Your posts have good linkage signals in search engines.

To make internal links very easy, you only need to link one post to another every time you write an article. As for external links or backlinks, you can also exchange links with other bloggers or look for free or paid backlinks.

8. You’re Not Using WordPress

One of the benefits of using WordPress is that it generates pages that are easy to index. If your website is easy to index, then Google will rank it higher.

WordPress is widely considered to be the best website building platform today because that is what all the top online resources are made of. WordPress dominates the web platform market, where 42% of websites or blogs in the world are built with WordPress.

The key here is to have a well-coded website and WordPress handles it for you. And everything about search engine optimization, you can find it on WordPress.

Read: 10 Famous Blogs Made With WordPress

9. You Are Not Optimizing Your Images

Optimizing your images will help your search engine rankings in two ways:

You will likely get traffic through Google image search.
This is another way of telling Google what your main keywords are.

Here are three ways to optimize your images:

  • Save your image with the keyword name [keyword-phrase.jpg] before you upload it to your site.
  • Add alternative text with [keyword phrase].
  • Add title tag with [keyword phrase].

I have posted many posts about how to optimize SEO images to make them more search engine friendly.

10. You Are Not Using The Best Hosting

If you are familiar with Google Search Console, you will definitely get reports on the need to optimize your website speed. This is because it affects the ranking of search results.

So, make sure to optimize your blog to be lightweight and the easiest way is to use the best hosting service so that your blog is fast when accessed and has a good score on Google.

Read: Tips on how to make a blog have lots of visitors

Those are 10 reasons why your blog is empty of visitors, you can check what you did wrong from the list above so that your blog gets big traffic from search engines by getting ranked on the first page of Google search results. Hopefully this article is useful and good luck. ️

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