Tips on How to Create a Strong Password or Password

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Tips on How to Create a Strong Password or Password – Your password is your first line of defense against hackers and unauthorized access to your account. That way your password strength directly impacts your online security. People often lose or get hacked on their accounts such as […]

Tips on How to Create a Strong Password or Password – Your password is your first line of security against hackers and unauthorized access to your account. That way your password strength directly impacts your online security. People often lose or get hacked on their accounts such as email accounts, Facebook accounts, bank accounts and other accounts, basically not because of system weaknesses, but because of the user’s error which makes passwords weak and easy to guess on their online accounts.

Password strong password

Since passwords or passwords are important and the first line of defense against any online account you have, make sure to create a strong password to keep your account safe and avoid hacks that harm you. Here are some tips on how to create a strong password:

Read: Magic Password – Easy Way to Log In Secure WordPress Without a Password

Combine unrelated words to create stronger passwords

To create a strong password or password, try combining two or more unrelated words. It can even be a whole phrase. Then convert some letters to special letters and numbers. The longer your password, the stronger it will be.

One word with one letter changes to the @ sign or! (like p @ ssword!) it doesn’t make your passwords strong. Because password cracking programs are now very smart and contain every kind of combination of these, in every language.

Certain words should be avoided in all passwords

Many people use passwords from familiar people’s names, places or things in the password because it makes their password easy to remember. It also makes your passwords easy for hackers or hackers to guess.

Passwords containing the following information are not secure because they are easy to figure out. You can find a lot of this info after reviewing someone’s social media profiles. Information that is very vulnerable and should not be used as a password is as follows:

  • Pet’s name
  • Important dates, such as wedding anniversaries
  • Family member’s birthday
  • Your child’s name
  • The names of other family members
  • Your place of birth
  • Favorite Vacation Spot
  • Something related to your favorite sports team
  • Favorite hobby
  • Another significant name
  • The word “password”

Use a different password for each account

To keep your account safe, it is recommended that everyone has a unique password for each of their accounts. If one account is breached or has been hacked, then the hacker cannot use the login credentials password to gain access to other accounts. While nothing can stop hacking, you can stop reusing the same password on your other accounts. Password reuse makes it all too easy for cybercriminals to attack one site and get your passwords for another.

Read: 10 Security Tips for Online Shop Websites

Use a password manager to remember all your passwords

The average person has about more than 10 accounts with passwords to keep track of. Remembering the different passwords on all your accounts is certainly not easy, but a password manager makes the task easy. Password managers, like Firefox Lockwise, are software that keep all your passwords safe, encrypted, and protected. Some can even generate strong passwords for you and automatically enter them on websites and apps.

The password manager acts like a digital safe for all the passwords from your online accounts. You only need one key to log into your password manager account: Single password, easy to remember but hard to guess. This password will open a vault containing the passwords set for all the accounts you have stored.

But what if your password manager gets hacked? Which can make your password encrypted behind a password they don’t know (only you know). Password manager also doesn’t store your credentials or passwords on their servers. While no tool can guarantee total online security, security experts agree that using a password manager is much safer than using the same password across all of your online accounts.

Add an extra layer of security with two-factor authentication

Many websites offer two-factor authentication, also known as 2FA or multi-factor authentication. On top of your username and password, 2FA needs other information to verify yourself. So even if someone has your password, they can’t log in.

Withdrawing money from an ATM is an example of 2FA. It requires your PIN code and bank card. You need these two tools to complete a transaction.

There are many websites that support 2FA, including Google and Amazon, and many Indonesian online shops have implemented this 2FA security, even if you have a website built with WordPress, you can increase security with 2FA too.

Read: 2FAS – Increase WordPress Security With Two-Factor Authentication

When you have activated 2FA, the site will send you a code to enter password after your password. Other forms of 2FA include the YubiKeys USB port and security applications such as DUO.

When you set up 2FA, many sites will provide you with a list of backup codes to verify your account. And a password manager is a great place to store these codes.

And those are some tips that you can use for how to create a strong password so that your online account is safe from hackers. Hopefully your article was useful and good luck 🙂

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