10 Promising Online Businesses in 2020 with Big Profits

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Online business in this millennium era has experienced significant development. This can be proven by the development of e-commerce sites that we can easily find. With the support of advanced technology and ease of transactions, many Indonesians have chosen this business. Of course we are bored with the old way that doesn't seem […]

Online business in this millennium era has experienced significant development. This can be proven by the development of e-commerce sites that we can easily find. With the support of advanced technology and ease of transactions, many Indonesians have chosen this business. Of course we are tired of the old ways that seem ineffective.

Apart from reasons of convenience and effectiveness, small capital is the reason why this one business is now more preferred. With minimal capital, the benefits you get are also very large. This can be proven by online stores such as Tokopedia, Bukalapak, and other online stores that can develop and dominate the Indonesian market niche and even around the world.

Apart from internet users in Indonesia, the number has also skyrocketed. Based on data released by the Indonesian Internet Service Providers Association (APJII), out of around 262 million Indonesians, more than 50% are connected to the internet. The data is in 2017, it is unimaginable how many internet users will be for 2018. Of course, with the increasing number of virtual world users, this can have a positive impact on the development of your business.

Read: The # 1 Best Digital Marketing Guide for Online Businesses

Promising Online Business 2020

In this article, the author will provide information about online businesses that are predicted to grow and promise big profits in 2020. Some of these businesses are as follows:

online business success tips

1. Women’s Fashion Business

Fashion and women are two things that cannot be separated. Every year, women’s fashion trends continue to change and experience many improvements. Obviously, this is a profitable business field if you can make the most of it. An example is the hijab, which is now trendy and not as ancient as it was in the past. It is almost certain that the hijab designs for 2020 are getting much better and more trendy.

To run this one business, you can create your own fashion and sell it online. By creating, of course, the selling price must be much higher than just reselling the finished goods. But if you want to become a reseller, that’s fine, you can still get benefits. For anyone who is literate about women’s fashion trends, they can develop this business as well as possible to get maximum results.

2. Online Shop

Before the world of the internet was growing rapidly as it is today, the market might be one of the places to sell. But in this modern era, opening a shop can be done online. Later this online shop can be used as a place for you to open a stall. Indeed, to create an online store requires a lot of money, to create a truly professional online store requires a domain name and web hosting .

WooCommerce Shop Isle online shop

However, you can still create an online store for free without being charged a penny. How to? Take advantage of Indonesia’s best marketplace or online shop sites such as Bukalapak, Tokopedia, or Shoppe to create a shop there. Or you can promote your product through a trade sites forum such as ads id or Kaskus. This online store business is predicted to be more promising in 2020 with all very supportive technological advances.

3. Affiliate Business

Do you know about affiliate business? Affiliate is a commission based sales business. If you are successful in selling an item or service through the affiliate, money will be earned. Maybe this business is still not popular for some people. But if you want to learn it, it’s actually very easy to do, even you only need a smartphone .

How to register yourself on one of the affiliate sites, the provider will provide an affiliate link that contains the product owner’s website URL link. From that link, you have to promote it and attract attention so that other people want to click and buy the products that the affiliate owner sells. The more people who are interested, the greater the benefits you will get.

4. Graphic Design

If you have the ability to design something be it a logo, t-shirt, banner, or anything else, opening a business this one is the right choice. With the skills you have, it is not impossible for large companies to glance at and use your services. This one business does not require too much capital but can get the maximum profit. To attract more consumers, you can offer it to online forums, both Indonesian and overseas who are in need of a designer.

5. Become a blogger

Bloggers may be in the minds of some people that they are someone who writes articles or content for blogs. It’s just that and nothing more. Even though a blogger can earn much more than office workers. It’s not as easy as turning your palm to make it happen and of course to be successful in the field of blogging you have to be able to get a lot of blog visitors . To make money from blogs , the method is by placing AdSense ads on the blog that you have or placing other types of advertisements, if visitors click on ads, you will receive income. Of course the challenge here is to increase the number of visitors to maximize the number of clicks.

6. Become a YouTuber

The fact shows that Indonesians prefer watching videos rather than just reading writing. By creating unique and quality videos you can get more visitors. Eleven and twelve with bloggers, a YouTuber can get income from advertising partnerships, both from Google Adsense and other companies. Innovation and creativity in making videos is one of the keys to success in becoming a YouTuber.

Read: How to Create a YouTube Channel and Upload Videos to YouTube

7. Building a Startup

We must admit that building a startup requires a lot of capital. But it starts with a brilliant idea, you can dominate the Indonesian market share and even the world. Take a look at companies like Tokopedia and Gojek that have succeeded in becoming business giants in Indonesia. As for some examples of this business, namely payment systems, trade services, application developers, and so on. In 2020, of course, the need for startup businesses will increase, therefore, prepare now so that you can compete well.

8. Become a Reseller

Do you know about resellers? A person who resells the goods he bought is known as a reseller. Not just selling, you can also sell these items at different prices. When it is sold, the seller pays a fee to the reseller according to the total price of the goods sold. The path to be able to follow the reseller business is predicted to continue and will always exist for the next few years.

successful online shop business

9. Dropshipper

Similar but not the same, that’s the description of resellers and dropshippers. The two are often considered two things the same, even though they are actually different. To become a dropshipper, you don’t need to first buy the seller’s goods. However, you just sell it directly, in other words, here you are promoting the goods sold by the seller. The more buyers are obtained, the greater the profits are obtained.

Read: 7 Best Selling Dropshipping Businesses You Deserve to Try

10. Translation Services

It is no longer a secret that English is the international language used to communicate between countries. Mastery of the English language absolutely must be owned by people from all over the world, including in Indonesia. But in fact, many are still fluent in speaking the language.

This condition is what you can take advantage of and can be a great business opportunity to make a profit. You can offer yourself as a translator to translate writing from English to Indonesian or vice versa. In 2020 this service will continue to be needed and promises more benefits in line with the number that requires a translator.

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If you want to develop what you have planned, then prepare the business from now on. The level of competition will certainly be tougher in the next year, if you are still relaxed, don’t expect the success of the business boss you are planning to be successful in the future. Not only planned, but good business is business that is actually carried out. Take action and good luck to your business. 🙂

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